Lockyer's All the Men of the Bible – Shamgar
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Shamgar [Shăm'gär]—cupbearer or a surprised stranger.

The Man Who Was Ready When Need Arose

Shamgar was the son of Anath, and third judge of Israel after the death of Joshua. His spectacular deliverance of Israel from the Philistines is suggestive (Judg. 3:31). Shamgar the son of Anath was ready to serve God in the common working day.

When he drove his oxen out that morning he did not dream that before nightfall he would accomplish a memorable deliverance for his land. But the call came and he was ready.

Another lesson to be learned from Shamgar is that God can be served with unlikely instruments. “What is that in thy hand?” In Shamgar’s hand was an oxgoad with which he slew six hundred Philistines.

We may not have genius, brilliance, gifts of speech or song, but if we are in the hand of Christ, He can take foolish things to confound the wise.