Lockyer's All the Men of the Bible – Jude

Jude [Jūde]—praise.—Jude is the English form of the name Judas. The author of the next to last book of the Bible describes himself as a brother of James (Jude 1). See JAMES, No. 4. Although he calls himself “the servant of Jesus Christ,” he was our Lord’s brother, and like the rest of His brethren did not believe in Christ when they lived together under the same roof (Matt. 13:55; John 7:5).

His brief epistle contains an earnest warning appeal to the saints to defend the faith in an age of apostasy. Couched in vivid and picturesque language, Jude’s letter was addressed to a church or circle of churches exposed to false teachers. What a message it has for our hearts in these days of modernistic teaching!